
Distinguished Academic Advisors Selection

To encourage outstanding mentors who dedicated enthusiastically and excel in counseling, our school conducts an annual selection and recognition process for outstanding mentors. We have established The Distinguished Academic Advisors Selection Committee, which accepts recommendations for candidates from departments. Each year, several outstanding mentors are selected and publicly acknowledged by the school principal during the Teachers' Day tea party. Additionally, a book is published every two years, featuring moving interactions and counseling experiences between mentors and mentees, serving as a reference for mentors.


Regulations and Forms

Regulations on the Selection and Awarding of Distinguished Academic Advisors


Lists of Excellent/Outstanding Mentors

National Taiwan University's 95-111 Academic Year Excellent/Distinguished Mentor List - Sorted by Academic Year (PDF File)


National Taiwan University's 95-111 Academic Year Excellent/Distinguished Mentor List - Sorted by College (PDF File)


Excellent/Outstanding Mentors' Stories







